Hope all is well. Joey is beautiful and spoiled rotten. Monet doesnt want anything to do with him or Phoebe but phoebe and joey are BEST friends !!!!! Monet prefers they both take a hike...hee hee
Keep in touch
Hi Michelle!
We went to our first obedience class yesterday. I called in the morning and they had an opening so we went later that evening. She got back on the subway, walked in NYC foot traffic and was the star of the show at the class. The trainer and her assistance were besides themselves. The trainer was extremely impressed at how composed and socialized she was and attributed that to you. She rarely sees such well cared for puppies I guess. She wants me to give her your information. I told her I would never get another Mini Aussie anywhere else. She said based on this puppy alone she would give you 5 stars for superior breeding. Everyone is so opinionated, it's nice when they have something positive to say!
I'm thinking of naming her Mysty. Mysty yelps and whines when she is not allowed out of the pen. I pretty much ignore, when she yelps, knowing she is well cared for with food, water, clean pen. I hope that this will stop in time. The cats love her. The kitten sleeps with her. He grooms her constantly the way cats lick themselves and she tolerates it. She is never really alone. They jump in and out of her pen but she really wants to just be picked up. It's not even 48 hours so there is still alot of settling to do. I guess it going to take time. She is being walked out on the street, still a little nervous, but it's coming along. Thank you for your puppy pack attached to the crate, comes in handy. I ordered the Nu-vet vitamins yesterday. She loves them! There is so much happening, it's all good.
Hi Michelle,
Hope all is going well!!! You've got the cutest puppies-ALWAYS! Oh my mom's "borrowing" barbie, to get to know the breed, shes seriously considering getting one of your babies when the times right-she wants to get a puppy some time next summer. I feel so lonley without my other buddy! I'm picking her back up this weekend-she flys GREAT!!! Thanks again, EVO and BARBIE are doing awesome as always!
Amelia Sargent
Hi Michelle,
Heather wanted to send you a picture, wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.
Also she wanted to say 'Hello' to her sister!! How is little Amber doing, give her a kiss for me. I just love those new puppies!! Take care, have a
great holiday see you soon! ~Barbara

Hi Michelle,
There are so many great things I could say about Arlo, I could go on forever, but I’ll try to condense it a bit for the sake of your website J
I’ve had a couple bad experiences with finding puppies online, so to say that I’m thorough when looking to find a responsible breeder is an understatement. I was communicating with Michelle from Los Angeles and although I couldn’t see the puppy until the day I took him home, Michelle sent weekly pictures and would update me on how he was doing, what personality traits were beginning to show through, etc. I had a LOT of questions along the way (Arlo is my first dog as an adult!) and Michelle was always very understanding and answered any questions or concerns with a lot of patience J.
BTW, for those of you that aren’t able to see Michelle’s own dogs: her own toy Aussies are absolutely beautiful and very friendly. She raises her puppies out of her own house which is kept very clean and tidy. It shows that she takes very good care of her pets! The pictures don’t do them justice.
Arlo was pretty much paper-trained as soon as he came home with me and he easily transitioned to going to the bathroom outside in less than a week. By 9 weeks old, he learned how to sit and retrieve. He’s SO smart that at 12 weeks old, he can learn a command after only 2 sessions. He doesn’t ever try to over-power/challenge me; he always looks to me for guidance. I never had to teach him how to act on a leash, he just naturally heels. Everyone who’s ever come across him rants and raves about him; but the BEST thing is that he and my cat, Chloe love each other. They were friendly within 5 days and now play with each other for HOURS every day. This is my first experience with an Australian Shepherd and Michelle was spot-on when she said it is a perfect breed.
I certainly feel like I have the perfect puppy and I’m almost a little guilty for taking him from Michelle because he’s THAT amazing. She really lost out on this one, hahaha…
Anyway, thanks for everything, Michelle! I can’t tell you how happy this puppy has made me (especially now that he can hold his urine for 6 hrs and I can finally get more than 3 hrs of sleep at a time!!) Feel free to add me to the list of references for any future puppy owners!
Jackie, Arlo, and Chloe
To ALL potential families.....
Before I purchased my first Toy Aussie, I had a million questions, Michelle will even tell you the same! I called and talked on numerous occasions and emailed her 100's of times! I ended up putting a deposit on an up coming litter that was to arrive. When the litter was born I emailed her every week maybe even two times a week asking what "Barbie's" weight was going to be. I even drove down to Sarasota before making a final decision which puppy was the right one for me. ALL her dogs were inside her home, pampered and spoiled! The all greeted my mother and I at the door, with not one bark, just happy grins and wiggly butts! I had yorkies in the past and they were 2.5 and 6 pounds full grown both were purse trained and went EVERYWHERE with me so I was very concerned with the weight of my aussie will weigh. I travel often, and having a purse friendly dog is a must. Michelle estimated Barbie would weigh 5-6 pounds full grown, sure enough little Barbie weighs 6 pounds 10" tall and she's 1 year 3 months (almost to the day)! Barbie and Evo ( whom I adopted as an adult from Michelle as well) are both off leash trained. Barbie especially really takes to training, she's so off leashed trained I can walk her anywhere with out a leash, she heals to my left side, sits when I stop, she shakes, lays down, plays dead, agility trained, very athletic, but not hyper (she matches my energy level), she loves the water (as well as Evo does too), Barbie loves Fetch, car rides, loves her purse, toys, other dogs, my lap, her beds, ice, treats, and hiding bones lol! The best thing that both Barbie and Evo do is they do NOT bark. I have a lot of experience with all breeds of dogs, these toy aussies, truly are the standard aussie shrunk down. I drove the 3 hours to pick up my babies, my babies were all up to date on shots, and had a one year guarantee. Michelle has very typee toy aussies, which look very similar to the standard aussies. She shows her dogs, and if you'd like a show-quality dog she will have a perfect match for you! I can go on and on with my aussies, I love them more than anything in the world! My friend just adopted one of her puppies a couple of weeks ago, shes very outgoing, loving and just a joy like my aussies. You will not be disappointed with one of her puppies. Again shes very honest on the adult size of her dogs, and she's always there to answer questions! I cannot tell you how fortunate I am to have my girls! =)
Amelia Sargent

Michelle !!!!! She is absolutely totally fabulous !!! Better in real life than her pix !!!.....It was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT !!!!!!!
We got home at 9:30 pm and there was a welcoming party of 10 people for her !!! You would have thought I was coming home from the hospital with a baby !!!! EVERYONE LOVES CHIC....LOTS and so were expecting "STAR SPANGLED CHARM" (I thought of her name on the drive home) to be as wonderful as Chic....and...she was !!! She was just as friendly, and out going and darling as Chicky was !!!! The company stayed till 2 am !!! When we got home I took her outside She went and did her business...and then came in, ate some food and flitted around to everyone that talked baby talk to her !! What a stable balanced well socialized little baby she is !!! She slept in my arms almost the whole way home.. she woke up twice went pee on a pee pad I had on the floor...had a little drink...and then back on my lap...and off to sleep. I took her in at customs...they looked you up on the internet....and everyone in the place came over to see her and ask about her.....and they were checking out your site and ooing and awing...right at the customs counter!!!!!......usually they are so stern and robotic...but CHARM....CHARMED EM !!! You have done such a super job with these puppies......I am a HUGE fan of yours !!!! Thank you sooooo much for being the BEST, CONSCIENTIOUS, and SINCERE BREEDER that you are !!! YOU ROCK BABY !!!!!
Tomorrow I am going to go on puppy find and write about our experiences with you !! and then Im going to write in your guest book about it too ....and dont hesitate to use me as a refrence...if we lived closer I would be giving you a huge hug !!!
In Tina Turners words...YOUR SIMPLY THE BEST !!! BETTER THAN ALL THE REST !!!!..............Sincerely...Lana, Canada
This is our first puppy with Michelle, at Blue Horizon Toy Aussies, and it has been a blessing and a wonderful experience. From day one, I knew just by looking at her website and then talking with her on the phone that I had a made the right decision, in purchasing our new puppy. Levi is 12 weeks old now and has been the best well behaved puppy we have ever had. When we arrived at the airport to retrieve him, he came marching out of that crate and right into the arms of our son. Full of love and confidence. He embraced us immediately and it was love at first sight for the both of us. Levi is such a confidante little boy. He is beautiful in structure, coat, eyes, everything. Just perfect. The Vet said he was bred very well and is an awesome little pup! He such a smart little guy, Within the first day, he had down the ringing of the bells to go outside for a bathroom break at only 8 weeks old! He has adjusted immediately with our two other dogs, which absolutely adore him. I have two boys, 12 and 13 and within minutes they have bonded and it keeps getting stronger each week. Each morning now, I say, "Levi, let's go wake the boys", there he goes running full speed up the stairs to be lifted onto their beds for their ritual wake up call!!! Tons of kisses and snuggling before school starts.
I love him so, he is my little shadow. Wherever I go, there he is watching over me. He snuggles at the foot of the couch, while watching t.v., he snuggles between our pillows at night and he loves to put his nose up against ours while we're sleeping, it's so cute!!! I am never without my Levi, my sweetest little buddy. My favorite part is when I come home and he comes running up to me for full on hugs! He actually hugs!!! And talks, it's so adorable.
I cannot wait to know my little Levi when he is a year old. There is so much planned for him and I am so excited to take it each step of the way. Dog training, social walks, freezie play, ball retrieving, etc. He is so adorable and everyone who comes in contact with him is just so mesmerized by his beauty and demeanor. He is a blessing in our lives and cannot wait to purchase another little blue horizon Aussie from Michelle in the future. I just love talking with her, we are friends miles away and we have never met. She is such a warm person and I know that Levi has had the best first 8 weeks of his life with her. Your puppy will definitely be loved from the inside out coming from Blue Horizon. Michelle is an excellent breeder who puts her heart and soul into all of her dogs!
I will always be forever grateful to have the opportunity to have Levi!
Shelia Parodi

Hi Michelle,
I hope you got some time to enjoy the holidays with your families (human and doggy). We had the best Christmas with Halley and Penny. The two of them didn't stop playing the whole week I was home. I cannot even begin to describe what an incredible addition Halley has been my little family. My boyfriend has become such a doting dad, taking her to the park and monitoring just which other dogs are out to play before letting her off the leash. We take turns sending each other photos of her while one of us is at work. Everyone who meets her falls in love, we are definitely spreading the Tiny Aussie love through South Florida. Her vet is shocked every time he sees her, she's grown into a beautiful little lady who loves to cuddle and play with anyone who will stop. My dad says she's got swagger, and she takes it very personally anytime someone passes her without acknowledging how cute she is when we go to the park. When we come home though, she's such a little snuggle bug who always prefers to have her head resting on one of our arms or pillows.
Unfortunately, we do not get to spend too much time with Penny (our other purchased toy aussie), but my parents are just loving her to death. Hard to believe that Mom just came with me that day to meet you and Penny to try to prove that they would shed. It was all over when she saw Jax and met Penny, they are such a perfect match! Penny has been a great surrogate older sister to Halley too while they've been together. She taught her how to get up on the couch and how to walk on the leash.
These puppies have improved our lives in so many ways! We were so impressed with your attentiveness and professionalism throughout the process and we are so thankful you agreed to hold on to them for us through Thanksgiving. Halley's vet sends high praise your way, he said from the first time we visited that you did a great job raising her those first three months. I still visit the website everyday because I really think Halley would like to have a full time friend when Penny is away, but we want to make sure we have enough space before we expand our little family any more. When it is time though you will definitely be hearing from us!
Thank you so much for completing our family and delivering us so much joy!!
Warm Regards,

Good evening,
Duchess will soon celebrate her 1st birthday. She is everything you said she would be. She goes everywhere with me, she has her spot in all of the tractors that we use in farming. She is admired by all where ever we go. I look forward to meeting you when we come to Florida! It has been my pleasure being able to work with someone so honest and genuine.
See you soon and thanks again for my priceless girl! :)
- Garry

Hi Michelle! Sorry it has taken me so long to let you know how much we love Romeo! Attached is one of our Christmas pictures with him and my kids - you can tell he doesn't think much of his hat :) He is an awesome little guy and is best friends with my toy Lexi. He also loves to play with my German Shepherd and she is great with him so it is really a cute thing to watch. He weighs about 5 pounds now and is getting just a little taller but not much. He sleeps right next to my head every night but is a very independent boy during the day - loves his playthings.
Thank you again for our little Romeo and I hope all is well your way! Happy Holidays!

Hi Michelle,
Here's a picture of Inca he weights ~4 1/2 pounds. Very small and sweet.
I'm taking him to dog/puppy training. I had several people think he's a Chihuahua.
Even after I tell them what he is. Some reply, "He looks just like my Chihuahua. He has the same head. Etc."
Needless to say he is small but full of love, energy and well loved.
Apache and Inca are best buds - these are my dogs. I like the red tri male with the white face. Wish I could get him but we have too many dogs.
Thank you for these wonderful dog/children. I get to see my daughter and grandchildren only once a year - these dogs are family and make life great!!
Hope all is well,
Sherryl Duke
Hi Michelle,
I just arrived home from a walk in NYC called "Strut Your Mutt" for local and national dog rescue clubs. and everyone was astounded how remarkable Romeo was! He was the prittiest and most well behaved dog at the event and after a random servey was crowned "top dog"! A random survey of about 200 people was taken and and Romeo WON! He is my little joy, and surprises me more each day and I just want to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR MY LITTLE BOY! Hope to hear from you soon about my next amazing aussie!!
RIchie Lucas

We want you to know how delighted we are with our two Blue Horizon puppies Shadow and Sydney. Not only are they absolutely gorgeous toy aussies, they both have personality plus! We LOVE them!! Sydney is the beautiful merle female I searched and searched for and is super smart. She learns tricks very quickly and never forgets how to do them. She works dog puzzles like a champ and rules over Shadow!! AND Mr.Shadow is just the most gorgeous black tri ever!! His blue eyes, fantastic coat with deep color, and sweet disposition just charm everyone! He is venturing out into the show world and hoping to do very well!
We couldn't be more pleased with these spectacular puppies!! Thank you so much for helping us pick the right puppies for us!
Bill and Jill

Hi Michelle!
It’s been about 9 months since I brought Arlo home (he was from Missi x Stark’s litter last June) and he has finally destroyed his favorite red fish that you gave him. It’s hands-down his favorite toy and I have scoured the internet and pet supply stores in search of another one, but have so far been unsuccessful. Do you remember where you got it from? He would be SO happy to have a new one! He dropped it in the pool once and it got lost in the filter for a month. When we found it, he could not stop jumping up and down with excitement! I also shaved him for the summer months J Hard to believe he’s 14.5 lbs!! He’s been doing so well: he finished basic obedience, just finished Canine Good Citizen, and is starting agility this Sunday. He turned out to be a better pup than I ever could have imagined. Hope everything is well on your end and you’re having a great summer!
Jackie Trussell

I purchased my first Toy Australian Shepard from Blue Horizons. I was looking for a breed that is smart, affectionate, and loyal. I have never met a dog that has such amazing eye contact. Ella is extremely observant always connecting with her surroundings. When I come home she always wiggles with excitement ready to greet you. She follows me throughout the house, but also easily entertains herself. Eager to learn commands, the breed is extremely intelligent and loyal.
Michelle is a very knowledgeable and informative breeder. Ella arrived with her favorite toys and samples of her food and vitamins. She also included information about how to raise, train, feed, and properly care for your puppy. Thank you for making this truly a wonderful experience!
Mary Katherine & Ella (TX)