Proud New Parents
HI Michelle!
We just can't say enough about them both! We love them. You were saying they should not be growing all that much more? Keiko weights 4lbs and boomer weighs 6. LOL He is so funny with his laid back attitude. :) and Keiko is always out smarting him I laugh my butt off. They are the greatest!!!
Thanks again,
Laurel and T.J. Hannaway (FL)
We are all doing well. The two "old ladies" have warmed to Diamond. He has nursed Mandy, our Aussie, to a more active lifestyle and she is doing much better because of him. She can get up better and move around easier. Probably because he is all over her. We named him Diamond since his blue eye stands out much like a diamond. We have mailed the registration papers and are giving him his distemper shot this coming weekend. We will keep you posted and will send you more photos.
How are the new puppies coming along? Have you found homes for them all yet? Krista's 4-H group adores Diamond. She is doing some jumps with him. We are trying to teach him his new name and to come on command.
Marcus and Julie (FL)
Hi Michelle! I just wanted to let you know that Domino adjusted really well. We decided to keep his name Domino because it does fit him well and he responds to it. The first night we got him, we took him to walmart and bought him several toys so he is spoiled already! He has been sleeping with us and he actually seems to already be trained because he has not yet pottied in the house. He lays on my lap and sleeps while I do homework and my parents and rest of my family absolutely love him. He has made so many new friends and seems to be a happy dog. You did a great job the first 8 weeks of raising him! Just wanted to let you know how he is doing. We will keep in touch.
Thank you
Andrea & Josh Cline (FL)
Hi Michelle,
Well, Indy made it safe and is doing well here in Toronto. It was an ordeal picking him up at the airport though. The process took 2 hours, where I had to go back and forth between customs and the cargo area, and I ended up paying extra in taxes and charges. But, nobody ever said anything worth it was easy... and he is priceless!
So, I just wanted to let you know Indy is a perfect puppy and he is adjusting well here. I will keep you posted on how he's doing.
Happy holidays,
Ryan (Canada)
Hi Michelle,
we recently bought a puppy from you ad he is doing great. He was the red tri.
His name is buddy and he is getting tall. he is very active but at the same time he is very cuddly.
We all love him and he is just the best dog we could have asked for. thank you so much
for him he is a great enjoyment for all my family. he has found a playmate, our neighbors
CAT how funny. he is inside all the time unless supervised. he is now house trained so he
can roam and have plenty of room. he is hilarious he gets on the floor and only uses his front
arms to pull hi so it looks like his back legs don't work. one ear is always
up and inside the other one is down, but when we are outside they are both up. when he is at my grandmas he looks at our picture and then looks at her like "were are they" it is cute. well i would send pictures but i cant get it to work.
thank you so much
The D'Alessio family
Hi Michelle,
He's like a bullet the way he races around the house, so fast and I don't even know how the heck can see where the heck he's going. He's so much fun. I love him to pieces. He's not Boomer, which I'm not looking for him to be, but I sure do love Boom and sure do miss him. But Jackson, he's a whole 'nother story. God is he funny, he loves to kiss me to death, he kisses me so many time and so fast I feel like he's suffocating me. Can't wait for all oof you to see him. In some of the pictures he's sporting as brand new raincoat from my 2 Grandsons Anthony (10) and Avery will be 6 on the 26th of this month. It Just Came in the mail today.
Hi Michelle,
Hobie is doing great and is getting tons of attention. He has not waking me up at night and he sleeps in his cage right next to my bed on top of my night stand. He loves to be outside and has kinda figured out to go to the door when he needs to go out to potty. The only part we need to work on is if I can get him to bark (never does) or something so I know when he is there. But I know with a little time he will catch on how to communicate with me. He is eating great finishes most of both his meals and again loves to be outside running. Today we are going to tempt to see how he likes boating and take a boat ride as the weather today should be warm and no wind. Thank you again for all you help and being patient with us in deciding on him.
Happy New Year
- This is the story about how met Michelle and fell in love with my little toy aussie puppy Jackson...
Back in October I had 2 standard Australian Shepherds, one male 9 1/2 years old and 1 female 10 years 1/2 years old, but I was getting fiidgety about getting a 3rd dog, but wanted a small lap dog. I work as a groomer and remember hearing about mini & toy Aussies. Well on Monday October 1st I got the most devestating news, that my youngest Aussie 'Boomerang' had lung cancer - there were no signs except her developed a cough so I to him to the vet. I could not even function for weeks, that is until I found this little saint of a woman named Michelle Ringwald. My Boomerang had to be put down on October 5, 2007, and she helped me get through it whether I was buying a puppy or not. Michelle was the sweetest, most caring and genuine person I'v ever had the pleasure of meeting (online).
Well there was a puppy I was interested in, but it was sold already. She told me she had a litter coming November 3, 2007, so I got excited and couldn't wait. Even before the puppies were born and even before she knew if I was going to buy one or not, she would e-mail me all the time, to see how I doing. Mallee, my other aussie, got sick on a Monday and we had to put her down on that FRiday. She had colon cancer, WE HAD TO PUT HER DOWN DECEMBER 16, 2007.
I'm still not over either one of their deaths but this little ball of love Jackson, and the wonderful help Michelle has given me has been so wonderful. She doesn't pressure you into buying, She informs you anything and everything you need to know about Toy Australian Shepherds and I really mean it. SHE IS #1. I feel very much like I've gained a friend, She sent pictures weekly of the puppy I bought - I named him Jackson - after the one and only best country singer there ever is and ever will be. He is a gorgeous, ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS. And now I send pictures to her weekly.
Well, I finally got my little lightning bolt on December 28. He was great right from the get go. He never whined at night, he just felt comfortable immediately. He races around this house so fast and makes me laugh so much. It makes me know it was meant to be that I found Michelle, even before Boomerang died because this little treasure has such a personalty and makes me laugh so much, its the biggest band aid Michelle could have sent to me for my wounds left be Boomer and Mallee. SO IF Y0U WANT A TOY AUSSIE, MICHELLE RINGEWALD OWNER OF BLUE HORIZON TOY AUSSIES IS WELL, AND I MEAN WELL WORTH THE WAIT. I already have 2 people who are considering it, and I may get a female someday in the future, but there is one thing that is positive for sure........I WILL NEVER BUY A TOY AUSSIE ANYWHERE BUT BLUE HORIZON. TO ALL OF YOU CONSIDERING A TOY AUSSIE, I CAN SAY THAT YOU WILL HAVE THE MOST FUN YOU CAN HAVE WITH A PUPPY AND THE BEST RELATIONSHIP WITH THE MOST LOVELY AND INFORMATIVE BREEDER, MICHELLE RINGWALD.
JulieAnn Marshall

Hi Michelle,
I can't tell you how happy I am with her. Layla is just a jem. She is 9weeks now and already knows how to sit and shake. She almost has lay down !!! Smart little cookie!!!! She is doing great with her food. Which you will see when you see her. I am very curious to see how much she weighs. She is quite the little butterball!!! She loves her frosty paws ice cream (doggy ice cream) at night as a treat. She has stopped her crazy crying in the car. Only cries at bedtime if the tv is on. Once we shut it off she shuts off!!! LOL I will tell you more when I see you. Safe trip home.
Talk to you soon.
Bradenton, FL
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breeder dog dogs, teacup, puppy for sale , florida dog breeder, fl, australian shephred, merle puppy, BET
The pictures arw awesome! There was a Big sign welcome Bella at my desk when I brought her in last Friday. She was the center of attractions that day. I put her on my desk and everyone just loved it. She slept almost all day. I took her over to the assisted living and they went crazy. She is just adorable and beautiful.
Since she has been her it has been a zoo.Everyone wants to play with her and run with her and pick her up. Linus is just starting to come around. Bella is full of energy but when she gets tired she loves to snuggle. I just love her but I want to get into my own routine shen things settle down Friday. She is sleeping in a crate at night and doing well from 10pm to 5am pretty good. I pay with her until I go to work at 7:30 and then I am following what you do and keep her in the bathroom nest to my living room with a gate so linus can see her. She cries when I leave but she is happy to see me after work. I put the puppy pad and water and toys and a blanket.
We are really enjoying her. Kevin loves her also and when she is tired he loves to pick her up and hold her. She is a big hit. You are a great breeder. Thanks so much and I will keep you posted. :)
Thanks again,
The McMullan Family (PA)

Hi Michelle,
Omgosh, the new puppy is wonderful! She was great in the car on the way home...she sat in my lap and rested her head and slept most of the way. When we stopped to get some water, we found a safe spot for her on the grass, she went potty and then back in the car in my lap. We stopped one more time along the way and bought her a comfy bed. She played with our sons when we got home and then by 10:00pm we put her new bed in the crate (my mom lent us) in our bedroom and she slept the whole night...not a whimper!
She woke up at 6:00 am - we took her outside - she did her business and then went back to sleep till 8:00 am.
Around 10:00 am we surprised my daughter Taylor with her when we picked her up at her friend's house! See the short video. She was so surprised and HAPPY!
She is a terrific pup, is getting used to her new home and all of us. We thought she would be sad to be leaving all her puppy best friends but she seems okay.
One funny thing..we have a hallway in the master bedroom that is lined with mirrors and she found it and try's to play with her reflection like it's her sister -- so cute!
Anyway, just wanted to thank you - we love her to pieces already! We're working on a name for her...tbd.
Elizabeth (FL)
Hi Michelle,
''Did you think you'd get rid of me so easy.....uh, uh, way. I just wanted to show you some bragging rights to my 'baby' Jackson. He is absolutely' GORGEOUS. And he is just the best 'band-aid' in the world. OMG I Love him to pieces. He's so protective of me/us. When he's outside he thinks he's a Rottwieler. (Much to the neighbor's dismay, TOO BAD, Dogs BARK) He is so loyal to me, but he does love Dick, but if Dick is in one of his moods, Jackson is right by my side.
Dick feeds him so many treats that I -had to tell him to stop completely, because he is 17 lbs. That's waaaaaaaaaaay tooooooooooooo much. So Dick finally caved and agrees with me. Now the hard part begins to make him loose 8-10 pounds. That's a huge change in his daily diet. But, it has to be done.
He is such a cutie....his butt wiggles a mile a minute. I want to get another puppy from you to be Jackson's girlfriend, but I know I'll never convince Dick, but I'll NEVER stop trying, and I will NEVER GO TO ANYONE BUT YOU TO GET ANOTHER TOY AUSSIE.
Jackson still sleeps on my chest, as of told you before, or he sleeps on my right shoulder. I like to keep my bedroom cool, 65 degrees, and now Jackson has found yet another favorite between me and a pillow I keep elevated for a right wrist problem. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. No matter where he sleeps i love it. But it's always with me!!!
I hope all is well with you, I look at your website frequently, and it make my heart 'pitter/patter' to see Jackson on there. Not being prejudice I think he's the best little creature GOD created. I'm also tracking my new addition to my family.
Hope to hear from you soon...........
JulieAnn & Jackson
Hi Michelle,
So glad to hear back from you. I knew he'd be gorgeous from the day he was born tooo. I know he's waaaaaaaaaay too fat, Dick has been given the word when you hang out in the garage with him or up at his boat shed - NO MORE SLIM JIMS. It's tough on Jackson now, because, he doesn't want his food, and he absolutely would not eat when he was getting 2-3 LONG slims jims a day, but I don't want to compromise his health by worrying about diabetes or heart conditions. So when Dick takes Jackson with him I give him one 'Beggin' Strip and told him to just cut it into little pieces. When I told Dick what he made he had a 'little discussion' with Jackson. it was so funny, he told Jackson, well my little buddy Mommy gave the word so don't blame me, but i can't give you the 'good stuff' anymore. It was so cute. So that's where we are on that.
Jackson is going to get his first 'haircut' next week. I wanted to wait until he turned '1' to see how his growth pattern will be. His fur is so long and luxurious, from his back all the way down. It's so full. He IS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. Pictures do not do him justice. I'll mostly be cutting his rear & anal area and also shortening his 'pants', then I'll trim up behind his front legs just a tad and under his chest and belly area, I'll do that area though with thinning shears so it still looks natural. I actually use the thinning shears alot so it remains natural. HE IS NOT GOING TO BE A HAPPY CAMPER, because he hates when I do his nails and the fur around his paws, but it's really long and and he's ready. He hates being bathed as well, so I have my work cut out for me. I'll do a before and after side shot so you can see the change.
Michelle, I truly am so glad 'I met you', and I've already started the bug in Dick's ear, that I'd like a little 'girlfriend', I'd like one of Bella's.
I'll send more pix after My Little Man's first cut.
Talk with you soon. I hope you have a GREAT Holiday Season.
Hey Michelle,
I am so glad you loved the pic's...Kimber is gorgeous!!!!!! And so smart she is just such a joy!!! We have a few!!!! They are all are so loved....What a group...:) Are they not beautiful? In those pics I was getting their plates ready, they all had turkey with the livers and mashed potatoes, green beans & carrots...Happy happy babies :) We hope you had a great Thanksgiving and all is well with you. You know we are home all the time if ever you get a chance stop by anytime.. How is Jax? I am sure you have had more little one's since we spoke last and I am sure they are all beautiful.
Talk to you soon,
Happy Holidays Michelle
Tj & Laurel
Venice, FL

Hi Michelle,
Hope all is well. Needless to say, we are all tickled pink here. Skippy is developing his skills as a herder. He is very clever, a lot of it is good genes. He's a survivor. He's finding out that if he behaves he gets it all,meaning the run of the house, including the kitchen and most all the food in it. He is now used to eating a very small portion of lean meat with his Eucanuba. He's putting on mass and muscle. I almost have to carry him to his bed sometimes. He is very agile and has the most happy, fun loving attitude about everything. Very well adjusted. I'm teaching him about his teeth and he responds very well, he doesn't want to hurt me . He is really a good, lovable little partner and I can't thank you enough Michelle! Skippy is so GOOD! He is smart, loving, obedient, loyal and true. He gives me so much real love and affection and warmth. He is way too cool. Just to watch him play makes me all happy. I can never be thankful enough. All your kind words mean a lot to me!
Forever Grateful, Cliff (FL)
Hope I haven't sent this clip already.

Hi Michelle,
We LOVE him! He is sooo quiet! Blossom our mini Aussie loves him too! They are playing and snuggling together already!! Monte is on her back right now as I type!
Thanks again so much! We are sooo glad to have our boy!!!
Best regards,
Barbara (FL)
Hey Michelle!
I am so so sorry it took me so long to finally email you about my little lucy! I am moved in to my new apartment in NYC, and finally settled with school and everything. I thought I would tell you how much I LOVE my little girl Lucy. She is the most fantastic furry little friend ever. She is getting big, almost 9/10 lbs now, but just absolutely adorable. I think she is finally getting used to being in the apartment, but for a while she was confused, I think she missed our other dog, Jack. I have trained her to use potty pads, which has turned out to be a fantastic decision not only because of convenience but it has snowed so much lately, and Lucy is TERRIFIED of the elevator. She squeals like a pig when we get near it. Another funny thing...I am fortunate enough to be on the 53rd floor here in the concrete jungle, and my floor to ceiling windows are beautiful, but Lucy won't go near them...i think it's in fear of falling off the edge! Every once in a while i'll catch her creeping up to the window and staring down but not for long before she backs up and hops back to her "spot" on the couch. She is definetly fun and sassy....but every night she falls asleep on me on the couch or wedged next to my leg. I love her so so much! I just thought i'd let you know how fantastic she is, and thank you for giving me the oppurtunity to have such a fantastic furry best friend !!
Thanks again!
Tara-Lyn Henningsen (NY)
ps i attatched some pictures of lucy in her winter
gear and one when she was really little on the bed with jack :)
Hi Michelle,
Deuce is doing great! We just love him. He has been on the road with us over the last few days for thanksgiving and he travels wonderfully. He is definately everything you said he was. Thanks for such a wonderful dog!
Thank You,
Stephanie M. Walker
HI Michelle,
First I want to say it was really great getting to meet you in person. We
just loved your dogs and could tell the love that you have for them. We are
absolutely sure we made a good choice when choosing to go with your puppies.
Taz and Ian have been inseparable since we left your house. He rode in the
back of the van with Ian and chewing on his new bone and laying on his
We got home and took him outside which he was not so crazy about the grass,
but he liked his little playing area.
Him and our other dogs have gotten along really good, and I attributed that
too Taz's laid back attitude. He acts like he has lived here all his life
and he has known our other dogs as well. And they have accepted him like
okay we like him. :)
Ian has not let Taz out of his site or Taz has let Ian our of his site, it
has been so neat.
Thank you again for the wonderful bag and all the neat treats and toys.
Thank you so much and the information is wonderful.
Thank you again and we will keep you posted on Mr. Taz and all his
adventurers here in Orlando.
Have a Wonderful night, Vicki (FL)

Hi Michelle,
Just thought I would send you a couple of pics of Deuce. We now call him Harley. My daughter just loves him. He goes everywhere with us and is very attached to me. When I get home at night he loves to lay across my legs in the recliner and he sleeps in our bed! He is very spoiled, but all I can say is WOW! We could not have asked for a nicer dog. We just love him. He is so good with Kimber, he never jumps on her, and she just is always laughing at him.
Thanks again, and I would never hesitate to buy a dog from you again. He is everything you said he was! :)
Thank You,
Stephanie M. Walker

Hi Michelle -- Here are a couple of snaps of Ozzie -- he is the BEST puppy ever! Really terrific about using his puppy pads indoors, but also goes potty in the grass in the yard whenever we take him out. soon as it's warm enough, we're putting up our puppy enclosure so he can run around in the sunshine at will through his pet door. He is such a good boy at night -- sleeps in his little carrier with his stuffed toys (which HE puts in there), and uses his puppy pads throughout the night. His "bedroom" is our master bathroom with baby gates so he can have the door open on his little kennel all night and go in and out. We couldn't be happier with him! The cat hasn't warmed up enough to be a playmate yet, but she's getting better each day. Ozzie needs JAX!!! :) Seriously, the offer to buy Jax still stands! He is such a great doggie too!
Thanks for everything,
Jeanne & Dan Corcoran
Bradenton, FL

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Hi Michelle!
Wren is terrific - she has grown so much - one morning we got up and both of us were like "did her legs grow overnight or is it just me!" She's cute beyond words & so smart. She's also tough as nails - I swear she could hold her own rough-housing with a golden retriever! She's a super natural athlete - we've set up little agility courses with stuff from around the house - she loves it. And toys - never too many of them. She also loves water - runs around chasing rain drops - she's going to be a swimmer. And she has brought out so much in Gracie, who loves the role of big sister/mom - only problem is she still doesn't want Bill to touch Wren (it's painful to wonder what brought her to that point). I'll take some new pics and send them to you - the ones I took last week are already outdated!

Hi Michelle,
We just wanted to say Happy New Year and let you know that Tebow is doing great. He is a totally awesome puppy with a wonderful personality and he is the hit of the neighborhood and we just adore him.
Take Care,
Rich (FL)

He is doing great! He didn't cry much at all last night as far as I know and my mom adores him! He seems to like Finn and Sydney doesn't really pay much attention to him. He did sort of try to milk from Sydney though and she was not too happy about that haha :). I hope his brother finds a family soon, I'm sure he'll find a home! He is so cute, how could he not? And hopefully my mom's friend will buy him and realize how amazing your dogs are :). Thank you so much for all the pictures and we will definetely give him a kiss for you and keep you posted! Don't ever hesitate to email me and ask for an update because my school schedule gets pretty crazy. But if you ask I promise we'll send you pictures and everything :)! Have a great week and again thank you so much for yet ANOTHER wonderful dog and addition to our family. Take care of yourself as well as all your children and we'll talk to you soon! :)
Lexi and Sue (FL)

I was going to e-mail you to tell you how wonderful he is. We decided to call him "Rex". Dave came up with the name and he seems to respond well to it. Also, Dave has grown extremely fond of him!!!
He is very playful and extremely comfortable with his new home. He hasn't had an accident in the house since yesterday afternoon. Last night he slept in his crate form 11:30 pm to 4:00 am. I took him for a walk and played with him a little bit and he went back in his bed in the crate and fell asleep until 8:00 am. He is the cutest little thing!
Also, thanks for being a perfect mother to him for us. I already recommended you to one of the soccer coaches who is contemplating purchasing a dog for his daughters.
I will be in touch and forward pictures soon!
Thanks again,
Barbara (FL)

When I started a search for a new puppy for my daughter I searched every website and found Michelle. Living in Texas I wanted to learn as much as possible about her dogs. Michelle was wonderful and made me feel comfortable. I would adopt her too if I could!!! We have "JOEY" named after Joey from" friends" because he is such the lil CHARMER... He is sooo smart and gets along great with our other dogs and cats. I would buy another one of her dogs tomorrow if I could. Everywhere we go we take Joey and he gets attention from everyone. Beautiful dog from a beautiful breeder who I now consider my friend!!!!!
Lois Jockers (TX)

Hi Michelle
I just wanted to touch base with you on how Remy is doing. We just love him. He has such a great personality. He gets so excited when he sees me if I have been away from him for a period of time. He is so attached to me ,as I am to him. When I let him out of his room in the morning he goes running around the house, then he will jump on and off the chair I usually sit in trying to get me to sit with him. If I don't sit with him he will follow me everywhere I go. He loves his toys. and is so funny with them if i toss one on the floor he will run after it and take it to his bed so the other dogs can't get it. He loves riding in the car. I bought him a car seat that goes on the console. I will send you new pictures soon. Thank you so much for our sweet little boy.

Thank you for the pictures of Spike; he is such a handsome boy! I showed pictures of him to family the other nightand I showed pictures of Savannah from your web site, everyone agreed that they are the perfect pair, and of course EVERYONE loves Heather!! Speaking of that little girl of mine...she’s doing great, she’s getting used to our routine, she and Max are getting along great!! He never snaps at her, even when she’s biting him, even when she butts in on him eating (that surprised me). Every morning they take turns chasing each other around the house; it’s hilarious, a 2 lb puppy chasing an 18 lb dog. Pictures will be coming to you soon, that’s if I can ever get Heather to stay still for a second, the minute I get the camera out…she’s off and running!
Yep, and she’s a typical Daddy’s girl, she loves Anthony to pieces, he’s great to chew on and cuddle next to!!
Oh, and it was great to finally meet you, I had fun playing with Jax and Selene and Heather’s brothers and sisters. We’re going to have to do this again, maybe next year, right now all attention and $$ goes to Max and Heather.. Well, keep in touch, Heather gives you kisses!!! ~Barbara (FL)

Hi Michelle,
Thank you for the very special little aussie toy boy we purchased from you. It really was quite easy to purchase him, get him shipped all in one easy move. All of his paperwork, vet.check, airplane paperwork and care kit you sent really amazed us both. My husband and I have both purchased animals over the years, but never in such an easy and efficient way. Thank you for your honesty, organization ability and compassion for these little "aussies". We are just so pleased with Tiny Trouper will be sure and let you know when we are ready for another and of course will recommend you highly.
John & Kathleen Morris
Browns Valley, Ca..

Hi Michelle,
Oh my goodness, she is gorgeous! Thank you so much for the pictures!! I can't wait until May! Right now her eyes almost look green! I have a friend who got a red tri aussie whose eyes looked green at 8 weeks old, but now they're amber, so I'm guessing that's what will happen with her eyes? Either way she's beautiful! Your BET puppy is gorgeous too! Everyone who meets Percy loves him. He met a big group of kids today, and he ran right up to them and gave them all kisses. I also have him in a socialization class specifically for puppies between 8 and 12 weeks old, and he's having a blast there too playing with the other puppies. I've also referred several people to your website, I've had a lot of people ask me where I got him.
I hope you had a good weekend!
- Brittany (CA)

Hello Michelle;
How are you doing? I just wanted to give you an update of Hulali. She is doing wonderful and I can't wait till we can go to the dog park. I am thinking about putting her into agility classes, I know she would love it. Her potty training is coming along and she now knows how to sit. I took Hulali and Hau'oli to a holistic dog food store to take pictures by a professional photographer. It was a funny thing, the photographer also runs an Aussie Rescue. When she saw Hulali she knew right away that she was an Aussie. She went on to tell me that most toy aussies have a lot of behavioral issues. She was so amazed at how wonderful Hulali's temperament was. When I went back to pick up my pictures, the owner of the store told me that the photographer couldn't stop raving about how Hulali is a great all around aussie.
Colette (FL)

Hello Michelle,
Dingo is doing great! He weighed 2 lbs 8 oz yesterday at the vet's. He and my big dog Sharky are soooooo in love with each other.... very bro----mantic as they say : )
People who see Dingo can't believe how cute he is!! He really is quite a looker!!! The vet didn't have any ideas for me about the eye discharge though. Any thoughts??? It hasn't abated since I picked him up, and am gently giving him a little saline solution to keep the area clean, but it keeps comingt. Did any of the other pups have this, and does it get better with age (and height ? ) or ???
Let me know how the other pups are doing.... You may be getting calls from the West Palm Beach area for people looking for toy aussies in the future, Dingo is quite the little hollywood hit over here : )
Talk to you soon.
Suzanne (FL)
Hi Michelle,
I meant to e-mail you as soon as we got home, but we had company for the week-end and it was hectic. This little guy is just a doll. He is so sweet and calm. He rode in our laps all the way home, no car sickness, nothing. He is a very sweet little boy and we are very PLEASED with him. I want a female from you with his sweet temperament!!!
We will call him Alex, but have not decided on his registered name yet. We put him in with our 6 week old litter at nights and he does just fine. He is actually smaller than most of the litter. We look for ward to a female from you. We enjoyed meeting you and Danny. It is always good to see someone who takes such good care of their dogs. We try, but you are an inspiration to us.
Look forward to seeing you soon, keep me posted on your litters.
Thanks much, Linda (GA)

I have to tell you how darling Touche' is! Square, correct and athletic.
She is such a puff ball of fur and she is so full of herself but she follows me
around everywhere. She loves to be held and loved on too but it is best when she thinks all of the work is done first.
She loves to play with the other dogs but she watch where I am and stays near.
She is so good at going potty on her pads or outside. You can see in her
face how smart she is. She watches everything going on.
She loves to go in the car with me and people say she looks like a little collie or
a tiny husky with all her fur. Toys, chew chips, and balls I have not seen her
shy away from anything. Touche' is one tough well adjusted bundle of brains and
energy waiting to get busy like the big boys.
I will have to start early with obedience and agility with her because she needs a job to do. She is perfect for me.
I will send photos along with her pack soon.
Thanks so much Michelle. I can't wait for my next Blue Horizon puppy.
Red Feather Ranch (UT)

Hi Michelle!
Hope you are well and all is good.
I was just at your website reading about how your puppies are already
socialized and pre-spoiled, and I realized that was the key. That was how
Skippy got to be the sweetest, most loving, warm and outgoing puppy, and he
has other social qualities I wasn't even aware that dogs possessed.
When I first met Skippy face to face he was scared and so utterly fragile.
I toke my finger and stroked really softly under his eye and he seemed so
relieved and happy cause he knew I was going to be very loving and tender
to him. When I brush him the Skip is in 7th heaven. He rolls his eyes in
Somehow you created in Skippy at least, the most wonderful little friend a
man could have. I'm not saying he doesn't make mistakes of judgment, but he
could walk over and shit on my foot and I would think it was the sweetest
thing. You know?
Anyway, you truly are gifted with a loving touch. I am so glad I found you.
Let me know if ever you need any help with anything.
Keep up the outstanding work.
Skipper sends Kisses!
Cliff (FL)

Hi Michelle. I just wanted to say what an awesome puppy we have!! He has been so good! I'm watching him play with his little rope toy right now. He looks like a little bucking bronco! We ended up changing his name. It was a lot of back and forth with it, but since they have such a western origin, we wanted a more westerny name. With a lot of voting and thinking, we named him Tucker. Thanks again for raising such awesome dogs!!!!
Chrissy, Mike, Matt and Hailey (FL)

Hi Michelle!
The last time I tried to send you pictures, it didn't work, so hopefully this time the email will go through!
I named the red tri girl Bellatrix, from Harry Potter. So far, out of four dogs, only one is not a name from Harry Potter. Bellatrix must be able to tell that I am talking about her, as she has decided to start barking like crazy at this very moment! :) Anyway, the puppies are doing well, Percy is finally old enough to get a rabies shot, so that will happen Saturday, which I am very happy about. I decided to teach him how to shake, and he is picking up very quickly on it, but so far, as soon as he gives me one paw and I give him a treat, he gives me his other paw too. It is very cute. I am planning to enter them both into a show in August.
Brittany Shaw (WA)

Hi Michelle!
Katie weighs 5 lbs 4 oz. She has learned to jump up on the sofa, but not down yet. We traveled to our home in NC this weekend. She was a trooper...a little fearful with all the new smells and sounds, but adjusting quickly. She is one smart little puppy!! And has brought so much joy to us. I am trying to talk Don into a blue merle puppy. I see that you have a litter coming in June which would make the puppies available in August when we would be home. I have lots of work to do on Don!
Hi Michelle,
Thought you might like a pic of little beach baby Wren. She's fantastic, everything we could want, and more. I'll have to send you more pics later, but I thought you might enjoy this. Hope all is well with you.
Linda and Bill Roberson
Sarasota, FL
Hi Michelle,
It's been awhile!! Just wanted to send you a recent picture of
Heather (Savannah X Spike). Almost 5 months old and getting big, she's weighing in at 6 lbs. Beautiful as ever!! Anthony and I hope you are doing well, we look at your site
every day to look at pictures of the new babies, they are so cute, I love them all. Take care! Heather sends kisses.
~Anthony and Barbara Greco
Plantation, FL

SusanStanley Monday, 6/1/09
Hi Michelle Just a note to say THANK YOU for such a awesome girl. Ginger is a bouncy, loving, loyal girl. She makes every step I do and loves to have "mom and me" time. She loves to be brushed and pampered. She just had puppies yesterday in the early morning hours and she waited for me to get home to do it. We have 3 beautiful babies. 2 boys and a girl. And she is such a awesome mama. Thank you again for such a ray of sunshine in my life. We will be adding a baby boy to our family and it will definitely be coming from you. You are a amazing person and such a loving home. I loved visiting with you and your furkids when we came to pick up Ginger. All of indeed are lucky little furkids to have such a wonderful mom as you. Hope to see you soon.
From: Chatsworth Georgia

Hi Michelle!
Terry and I could not be more thrilled with "Flash". He is so very smart and has fit right in with our family. We have already started talking about the day we can have another one join our family. We have 2 really old paps. When they pass on, we will be ready to have another toy aussie join our family.
I have told everyone when they inquire about him where we got him and how wonderful you are. Our instructor in class is just amazed at how fast Flash picks up everything. How fun it is to have the star of the class :-)
We will continue to work with him. Thank you again for everything ! We could not be more happy !
I appreciate you being there to answer all the questions that we had. It was really great to meet you. Keep up the good work !
Terry and Laura
Panama City, FL

Hi Michelle,
I wanted to thank you so much for taking such great care of your dogs!! and I really appriciate everything you've done for barbie-Shes the best!! Barbie means the WORLD to me, my boyfriend and I have been spoiling her with so much attention, treats, and toys! She lets me pet her bellie (not something an 8 week old pup i would thing would like, but she does!), she loves to play fetch, and I can't believe how great of eyes and ears she has, she can focus so well for being so younge! Right now shes curled up in my lap sleeping, shes going to be a great lap dog =). I took her to the vet, and shes in perfect health! I was also surpirsed that shes got great hips, and knees, i figured that almost ALL small dogs have that condition where the knee pops in and out -but she doesn't!!(can't reember the name right now)!!! (all my small foster dogs always had knee problems...even my own two yorkies did too!!) She looks straight in your eyes like she knows what i'm saying to her!! haha And last night she cryied for 15 min.s then slept through the whole night! And shes eating GREAT-yesterday she wasn't too hungry but today shes been munching on a lot of kibbles in the middle of playing with her! I'm working on her purse training- in a couple of weeks-once she has all her shots-i swill schedual a flight for her to practice going on airplane rides! its a 50 min flight to atlanta. If you ever want to take jax with you on the airplane but don't want to pay a fee-don't tell the airline you have a pet, and take him out of the bag before you go through the security, and then carry him through with you, put him back in his bag, and off you go! You can't have the check in ppl see him, and hes good to go! My father use to fly for Delta, and James Bond 5th, my yorkie, ALWAYS came with me , during his whole life i would say he had been on 200 plane trips! and not once did I pay for a ticket for him-he was so quiet he never made a noise! Barbie is EXACTLY what i wanted, and MORE- she has an AWESOME temperment, and really I can't own any other breed-this is after only two days of having her too!lol
If ANYONE NEEDS A REFERENCE< YOU CAN GIVE THEM MY NUMBER!!! I will be getting ANOTHER blue horizon pup, someday!!!
I will keep you updated on my baby girl!!
THANKS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amelia Sargent
St. Augustine, FL
Hi Michelle!
it was great meeting you and I want to thank you for delivering Apache to us - it saved us several extra hours of driving.He is so gorgeous and we just love him. Apache was very good on the trip home. We put a puppy pad on the floor in front of the back seat and when he started acting restless - we put him on the pad and he would do his business. He slept on my lap or arms most of the way home.
Thank you,
Sherryl Duke (FL)

Here's the latest picture of Macy. She's so wonderful. She's still trying to get the hang of potty tranining but I made a chicken wire cover for her pen (to keep owls out) and now she can stay outside for small amounts of time by herself and do her business. She's doing great walking-staying beside me and not trying to lead or run wild, comes on command (most of the time:), sits and lays down. She's taken a couple of swims in the pool and is quite the swimmer. I don't think she's crazy about it though. She's such a doll and gets along with everyone and everything. She's all the way up to 2.5lbs now. It's funny because when we take her on her nightly walks or anywhere in public, she gets so much attention. Almost every person that sees her stops me to ask what kind of dog she is and then says, "I didn't know there was any such thing". Then they say, "I want one!"
Christine Johnson (GA)

Hi Michelle…Bella is doing great. She is the happiest little thing. She plays and finally (it always takes 24 hours for Izzy to get used to someone new) she and Izzy are playing. They were running laps around the living room chasing each other with the bunny. It was so cute. She hops around loves to run in the backyard. She dips her feet in the pool but we don’t allow her to go in. Her pee pee/potty schedule is wonderful. So far no accidents in the house (I’m amazed). She will go on her pee pee pad or outside only, and the pee pee pad only if she hasn’t used it. It must be a clean one. I have a balcony off my bedroom so in the middle of the night when she wakes up, usually around 4:00 A.M., I take her out on the balcony and she goes on her pad and comes back in and goes back to sleep. No eating or potty problems. Playful and lovable all the time. She is just wonderful. I attached some pictures of her. The picture where she is all wet was right after she walked into the pool the first day. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for such a wonderful baby.
P.S. We have tons of pictures already so I will send you some more later. Also, please thank Danny again for me.
Michelle (FL)

Hey Michelle,
Armani is doing Great!!! You'd be surprised at how well he has bonded with me already. I took him to the office with me Thurs & Fri and he laid right at my feet both days and is in my lap most of the time here at home. Also loves to go check cattle and ride in my lap or in the front seat next to me. We're all in Love with him! And he is having a blast running with the girls!!! Thank you so much for the pics! I'm anxious to get some up on our website.
Thanks again for everything!!
John Smith
Cross K Mini Aussies (TX)

I just wanted to express my gratitude to you for my new “best friend”. I have named my toy Aussie “Rance”. His blue eyes are absolutely hypnotizing!! He is growing and learning every day. There are so many reasons I would recommend your dogs to prospective buyers. For starters my dog was extremely healthy and he was exactly as you described. All I did was pick him up, you had all of the paperwork done and even supplied me with dog food!!! Not to mention that you answered all of my questions and concerns. You and your dogs are the best!!!! Again, thanks for your assistance with my purchase of “Rance”, he is truly the buy of a lifetime.
It has been a pleasure doing business with you!
Rick Bicknell (FL)

Hi Michelle,
Diva is still doing great, she is adjusting just fine. It is so funny to watch her with Sky....she steals the bones right out of Sky's mouth and Sky gently takes it back and they just go back and forth. Sky and her are getting along better than I could have wished for. She's found her spot in our family and we are enjoying her.
I took her to the vet last Tuesday and she checked out fine (she fell asleep on the exam table:)
We are going back next week for her shots cause it was a bit soon and we wanted her to be more used to her new home before we did that.
She was in her playpen and when I looked she was laying like this (picture) just looking around at everybody doing their thing. I think she is getting bigger already and I can't wait to see how she will be when she is all grown up:)
Diana Sky & now also Diva :)

Just a note to let you know how our baby girl is doing!! The boys made me change her name to "Iris" like the blue iris of your eye or a beautiful blue flower. It fits her.
She is wonderful!! What a cuddle bunny. She follows me everywhere and just stares up at me with those big blue eyes wagging her little stub.
She has fit in perfectly with the pack. Everyone likes her and she is happy to be here. She cries like a baby in the car and seems to hate it. I will keep working on that.
She is all girl which is so cute. Touche' is such a tom boy. They are very different but both have my heart. Then there is Cash and he is just funny. You got love him.
So three Blue Horizon puppies. Wow, allot of work but worth it. Thanks so much for everything. We will stay in touch so you can see them grow up and someday maybe we may have puppies too.
Robin (UT)
Red Feather Ranch

Michelle, I have a little time to sit and let you know what is happening. Wow we have been so busy the last couple of days and I haven't had a minute. Berkley is doing great. He is a happy puppy and has been since we picked him up. He did not go potty in his crate on the plane ride and has not pottied in his crate yet. YEA. We are working on the potty training but the rain has set up back a tiny bit. He is not interested in his food so I've been a little concerned about his eating but he did eat Abi's food so I am mixing a little of hers with his. I have him on a schedule so far so good. When I crate him at night he has a fit but I know he will get use to it. I crate him during the day for a couple of hours and come home and let him out, play and then back to the crate even if it's only 30 minutes just to get him use to it.
I know everything is new for him and it's been a while since I've had a puppy so I have forgotten some things. He loves being held and snuggled which he is getting plenty of.
Thanks for all your help.
Trina (NM)

Thanks! We loove her!..She is so beautiful and sweet! We love the name Beauty but its too close to Boogie, so we decided to name her Jeda...J-e-t-t-a in italian means black but we are spelling it J-e-d-a because my childrens names are Johnathan, David and Ariel, in that order so we put their intials together and came up with Jeda..and everyone agreed, so Jeda it is! She wants to play with Boogie so bad but hes not sure what to think of her, and he thinks hes the king of the castle but he'll get used to her im sure..the kids have been taking turns holding her every 5 minutes when the alarm goes off and Jeda is loving all the attention..she did good in the crate last night but we had to put the crate next to us as long as she knew we were there she was o.k.thanks for everything..
talk to you soon, Rita (AZ)

Hi Michelle!
We love him to death!You were right about his personality.He is just a lover and loves to snuggle on the coach with me.He is real mild mannered.He has met the gang and I think my ornery pups have overwhelmed him!LOL!!I think he is going to be a great family member and asset to my breeding program. He has went everywhere with me,except the grocery store. lol! Here is a couple pics I took of him with my boys.The last one Levi was giving him a kiss!Thank you so much and I promise to keep in contact!!!!
T & M Dreamin Aussies (MO)

HI there. Hope you got the most recent pics of Macy. I saw that you don't have puppies right now. I hope that's a sign that business is booming. I was actually looking as I was considering getting Macy a brother or sister. We just love her and she's becoming just the perfect dog for us. We've worked through the potty training and she's doing fabulous. As long as we do our job, she does her. Most accidents (few & far between) were definitely our fault. Anyway, the kids love her so much that they fight over her constantly. Too much love and only one Macy so I was thinking about a second pup. I may think about it around Christmas if you have litters as I definitely can't afford one now. The kids were so excited to see Macy on the "previous puppies' page. That they that was great. I wonder if anyone I know has contacted you about a puppy. I've given your business name out to so many people. Macy got spayed last week and is fully recovered now. Like I said in my note with the pictures, she NEVER barks. It's amazing. I've never seen such a quiet dog. She's scared of the dark. LOL. I don't know where it comes from but it's kind of funny. I thought for a minute she might be deaf but she's not. Is this common for the breed or just her own personality? If she something that ordinarilly would get another dog barking, she just stands still and watches whatever it is intently to insure it doesn't pose a danger and then quickly goes about her business or tries to rush to it to play or get loving (people/dogs). She sits, lays down, speaks (the one exception to barking), comes, etc. If she gets past the gate into the kitchen I can just walk up, call her name and point to the family room and she'll walk back into it. Yesterday I walked her to the bus stop in the morning with the kids and my 7yr old son burst out crying on the bus because he didn't want to leave her. Today he started crying when my husband took him to the bus stop and refused to get on citing that he would miss Macy too much. My husband brought him home, calmed him down and we finally persuaded him to go to school and drove him there. I'd say he's definitely bonded with her:) Well, I'm sure this all way more than you needed to know but I can't stop bragging about her. She's perfect and she's definitely Mommy's little girl. Even my husband can't deny her (try as he may). I'm so glad we found you and her! She weighs 4.5lbs at 6 months!
Christy (GA)

Hello Michelle, We are thrilled with Indy! She was very timid coming out of her crate. She walked around in some grass at the airport and tried to jump into my husband's arms. She laid on her back in the car while Ansley, my daughter, rubbed her stomach. She has been following us everywhere around the house. Right now Indy is laying by Ansley while she does homework. Please rest assured she will be given LOTS of love and pampered always. Our Vizlas (60 and 70 lbs) think she is a cat--we have 2 Maine coon cats--they are large. Anyway, thank you for trusting us with this sweet baby. Oh, where did her name come from? Just curious. We are not changing it, it fit her from the start.
Again, Thank you,
Bonnie (GA)
PS I will forward some pics asap!

Hey Michelle!
Just wanted to let you know Stella is doing good!! She's so playful!! I attached some pictures of her for you to see! Also, wanted to ask again what shampoo you were using and if you could send the pics of her parents :) She is doing really well in her crate too, I always feel guilty crate training though! But she is alot better than the first night!
Thanks SO much!
Rachel Garvin (FL)
Hi Michelle,
I simply cannot thank you enough! I am absolutely in love with Pasha, she is just the sweetest puppy I have ever met! I actually ended up taking yesterday off so I could spend the whole day with her :) Thank you again for everything. She is simply a dream come true! I love her so much. If you ever need a reference, even though I know you have a ton of great ones already on your website, I would be more than willing to help out.
Thank you so so much!
Kate Foley (FL)
Hi Michelle!
We got Scooter home last night. He is so precious. We couldn't be
happier with him!!! Thanks for the puppy pack, we used the blanket for the ride home. He
slept most of the way,laying on Chris' lap.
WE LOVE SCOOTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks again
Dave and Chris (FL)
Hey Michelle,
Just wanted to let you know that our little Lucy is acclimating quit well to Montana. Zach and I are very happy with her. She not only has superb confirmation, but comes with a wonderful personality. Her immediate attachment us proves how well you desensitize and handle your puppies from birth for an easy transition to a new home. We couldn't be happier with our little toy aussie. :)
Thank You very much,
Kate Wyman
Red Lodge, Montana

Hello Michelle,
Lali is doing great, she is sooooo spoiled! Lali is very special to me. I look forward to coming home and seeing her greet me at the door every day. I am currently in the process of purchasing a new home and I was thinking about getting another toy Aussie once I am settled.
I really liked the blue merle puppy with the blue eyes and lots of copper. I thought her coloring was absolutely gorgeous. I have looked around at other breeders and haven’t found any that meet the standards that you hold. You produce beautiful healthy puppies that have excellent temperaments. I can honestly say that I will not buy another Aussie from any other breeder. Your puppies are well worth the cost!
Everywhere I go Lali is a show stopper. Her outgoing personality and playfulness always causes people to fall in love with her. One day when I was out walking Lali and Oli, a couple walked by and the woman wanted to pet her. As they were leaving the man pointed at me and said “you better hold onto your dog,” implying that he wanted to steel her. I couldn’t believe that someone would say that but I can see why. Lali is a beautiful Aussie and I am a proud mommy! I am always looking at your web page to see all the little puppies. Let me know if you come across a female blue or red merle with blue eyes and lots of copper in the tiny toy range.

Click here for Reference Page 2